03/16 - 7 Sep 2016

Ċirkulari 3/16
Ċirkulari lill-istazzjonijiet kollha tax-xandir

L-Aħħar Tislima


Issa li wasalt fi tmiem il-kariga tiegħi bħala Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir, xtaqt nieħu din l-opportunità sabiex nirringrazzjakom tal-kooperazzjoni tagħkom tul dawn is-seba’ snin u nofs li kont ili fit-tmun tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir.

Tul dan iż-żmien, l-industrija tax-xandir esperjenzat bosta tibdil, inkluż dak rifless fil-qafas leġislattiv, liema tibdil se jkompli jiġġedded fix-xhur li ġejjien bir-reviżjoni tad-Direttiva magħrufa bħala l-AVMS. Kull tibdil li jsir f’ tali direttiva eventwalment jiġi rifless ukoll fl-Att Dwar ix-Xandir. L-avanz fit-teknoloġija jfisser li l-industrija tax-xandir se ssir aktar dinamika, bil-konsumatur ikollu għażliet dejjem aktar innovattivi ta’ kif jagħzel il-kontenut. Minkejja ċ-ċokon tas-suq Malti, f’dawn l-aħħar snin kellna bosta tibdil, inkluż il-qalba diġitali fit-televiżjoni, is-sistema DAB+ tar-radju, l-introduzzjoni ta’ servizzi non-linear u x-xandir b’high definition. Konvint li, fis-snin li ġejjien, il-qasam tax-xandir f’Malta se jkompli jesperjenza aktar żviluppi.

Jien dejjem emmint li l-Awtorità tax-Xandir mhix qiegħda hemm biss biex tirregola l-qasam tax-xandir, imma sabiex tgħin lix-xandara jtejbu l-prodott tagħhom filwaqt li jkunu konformi mal-liġi. Għalhekk huwa importanti li r-regolatur u l-istazzjonijiet jaħdmu id f’id biex jilħqu dan il-għan.

Sakemm jintemm il-proċess tal-għażla tas-suċċessur tiegħi, l-Awtorità ħatret lil Dr Joanna Spiteri bħala Aġent Kap Eżekuttiv. Ċert li hekk kif sibt il-kooperazzjoni sħiħa tagħkom tul dawn is-snin, daqstant ieħor se tkunu qed tikkooperaw ma’ Dr Spiteri fil-ħidma tagħha.

Bħala tislima tal-aħħar, nixtieq li mill-ġdid nesprimi l-apprezzament tiegħi għall-mod ta’ kif irnexxilna naħdmu flimkien u nawguralkom kull suċċess fil-ħidma tagħkom bħala xandara.


Pierre Cassar
Kap Eżekuttiv, 7 ta’ Settembru 2016

Circular 3/16
Circular to all Broadcasting Stations


Dear all,

Now that I have reached the end of my tenure as Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Authority, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation during my seven and a half years at the helm of the Authority.

During this time, the broadcasting industry experienced several changes, including those reflected in the legislative framework, changes which will continue to evolve in the coming months through a revision of the AVMS Directive. Every change in this Directive will eventually be reflected in the Broadcasting Act. Technological progress translates into a more dynamic broadcasting industry, with the consumer being able to make more innovative choices regarding content. Despite the limitation in size of the Maltese market, during these last years we saw quite a few developments, including the introduction of digital television, the digital radio system (DAB+), non-linear services and high definition broadcasts. I am convinced that in the coming years the broadcasting sector will continue to develop.

I have always believed that the Broadcasting Authority’s role is not simply to regulate, but to assist broadcasters in improving their product whilst adhering to the law. This is why it is important for the regulator and broadcasting stations to work hand in hand to achieve this.

Until the end of the selection process for my successor, the Authority has appointed Dr Joanna Spiteri as Acting Chief Executive. I am sure that just as I enjoyed your cooperation during these last years, you will likewise cooperate with Dr Spiteri.

As I bid you farewell, I once again wish to say how much I appreciate the manner in which we have managed to work together. I wish you every success in your work as broadcasters.

Best regards

Pierre Cassar
Chief Executive, 7th September 2016