[09/14] Statement by the Broadcasting Authority (15/05/2014)

Press Release 9/14

Statement by the Broadcasting authority in connection with a 
Political Spot by Imperium Ewropa

The Broadcasting Authority has become aware of the negative reaction on the public media to the spot produced by Imperium Ewropa and that it is now becoming evident that through an association of ideas the spot is creating a situation which could lead to incitement to racial hatred.  This association of ideas was not initially manifest but has become apparent to the Authority in the light of the reaction on the public media. 

From a perusal of the statements being made on the media there is an evident association between the content of the spot and incitement to racial hatred. 

The Authority has decided to order the immediate withdrawal of this spot and ask Imperium Ewropa to substitute this spot with another one which does not create the concerns expressed in this statement.


Mario Axiak
Head Research & Communications
15th May 2014