Release: Immediate
Date: 10 December 2015
PR 10/15
Television Viewing increases at the start of the broadcasting season
The Broadcasting Authority has just released its latest study on audience assessment for October 2015.
The latest survey reveals that the average amount of hours that TV viewers spent watching television amounts to 1.98hrs every day. This was 5.4 minutes higher than that of the previous assessment during the month of July 2015 and slightly lower than that registered for the same month last year [October 2014 – 2hrs].
During the month of October, an average of 191,200 persons, or 49.3% of the population aged 12 years and over, stated that they had listened to radio while an average of 240,800 persons [62.2%] followed at least one TV station during this month.
Data was collected by the National Statistics Office during the month of October and 45.2% of all contacted persons accepted to participate. A sample of 1,240 was collected with the youngest interviewed being 12 years old while the eldest person contacted was 95 years old.
TV Audience Reach
TVM remains the most popular station with 39.1% followed by ONE [14.9%] and Net TV [8.7%]. Overall 65.4% of all viewers followed a local station while the other 34.5% followed a foreign station with Canale 5 [5.7%], Rai 1 [4.8%] and Italia 1 [4.1%] being the most popular stations.
As in other previous surveys, TV audiences tend to peak between 7:30pm and 10:00pm
TV Programme Preferences
The study also investigated the most popular television programmes as indicated by respondents. A total of 96 programmes were named by respondents. Drama programmes seem the most popular with 55.4% of all preferences followed by News [20.2%], and Discussion programmes [3.1%].
Out of all the programmes mentioned by respondents TVM obtained 70.3% of all counts, followed by ONE with 13.8% and Net TV with 13.2%.
The three most quoted programmes were: Katrina on TVM [15.9%], Iċ-Ċaqqufa [TVM, 13.8%] and TVM News [TVM; 11.6%].
The top ten programmes most quoted constituted 78.6% of all preferences.
Radio Audiences
Bay Radio remains the most popular station with 24.9% of all radio listeners followed by ONE Radio [14.9%] and Radju Malta [11.5%]. Bay Radio is popular with those under the age of 50 whereas ONE Radio is popular with those who are above the age of 50.
On average radio listeners spent a total of 2.84hrs each listening to their favourite radio station. This was 0.27hrs [16 minutes] lower than that registered for the same month last year [October 2014]. On a national basis over the whole of the population aged 12 years and over, this amounts to 1.36hrs every person.
Computing audience shares by the amount of time that radio listeners have spent following each particular station, the results reveal that while Bay Radio is the most popular station in Malta, its listeners spend an average of 1.76hrs tuned in to the station whereas ONE Radio listeners spend 4.14hrs.
For further information please contact:
Mario Axiak, M.B.A (Maastricht)
Head, Research & Communications
Tel: +356 2122 1281
The full version of the results of the survey can be downloaded here |
A copy of this Press Release can be downloaded here |
Previous publications on Audiences can be downloaded here |