[14/11] Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities (02/12/2011)

Press Release 14/11

Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authority
13th Plenary Session
23-25 November 2011

L-Awtorità tax-Xandir għadha kemm assumiet il-presidenza ta’ l-Assemblea tar-Regolaturi tax-Xandir fil-Mediterran l-MNRA.  It-tlettax l-Assemblea li għadha kif ġiet organizzata taħt l-awspiċi ta’ Malta nfethet mill-Eċċellenza Tiegħu l-President ta’ Malta, Dr. George Abela.  Fis-sessjoni tal-ftuħ saru diskorsi mic-Chairman tal-Awtorita tax-Xandir, is-Sur Anthony J. Tabone u mill-Professur Davut Dursun., Chairman tal-Awtorita Regolatorja tax-Xandir tat-Turkija,  bħala President tal-MNRA.

Għal din il-konferenza attendew rappreżentanti u kapijiet ta’ regolaturi tax-xandir minn dsatax il-pajjiż tal-Mediterran u minn żewġt organizzazzjonijiet oħra ewropej.

Waqt din il-konferenza ġew diskussi l-isfidi awdjoviżivi li qed jitfaċċaw dawn ir-regolaturi tal-Mediterran speċjalment bl-introduzzjoni ta’ servizzi ġodda awdjoviżivi; ix-xandir ta’ programmi “Reality” u l-effetti tagħhom fuq is-soċjetà; u x-xandir ta’ programmi tematiċi bl-introduzzjoni tal-wiri ta’ prodotti kummerċjali waqt dan it-tip ta’ programmi.

L-organiżazzjoni ta’ din il-konferenza f’Malta hija parti miċ-ċelebrazzjoniet tal-Ħamsin Anniversarju tat-twaqqif ta’ l-Awtorità tax-Xandir, li jgħamilha l-eqdem regolatur fil-Mediterran. 

Matul is-sena li għaddiet l-Awtorita tax-Xandir ta’ Malta kienet il-Vici-President ta’ dan in-network u fis-sessjoni ta’ l-għeluq, Malta permezz tac-Chairman tal-Awtorita, is-Sur Anthony J. Tabone, ħadet il-Presidenza ta’ din l-Assemblea tar-Regolaturi tal-Mediterran biex tmexxi fost dawn il-pajjiżi valuri, prinċipji u drittijiet fundamentali fir-regolazzjoni ta’ servizzi awdjoviżivi.

Lejn it-tmien din il-konferenza ġew aċċettati bħala membri ir-regolaturi tax-xandir ta’ żewġt pajjiżi – il-Kummissjoni Indipendenti tal-Midja tal-Kosovo kif ukoll l-Agenzija għall-Midja Elettronika tal-Montenegro. 

Din il-konferenza ingħalqet b’dikjarazzjoni mill-pajjiżi tal-Mediterran dwar il-programmi ta’ Realtà fuq it-televiżjoni fejn għandu jinħoloq djalogu bejn professjonisti awdjoviżivi u rappreżentanti tas-soċjetà ċivili bil-għan li jiġu protetti d-drittijiet fundamentali tal-parteċipanti kif ukoll biex jiġu segwiti l-parteċipanti kollha anke wara li tispiċċa s-sensiela ta’ dan it-tip ta’ programmi.


The Broadcasting Authority has just assumed the presidency of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities.  The 13th Assembly of this Network hosted by the Broadcasting Authority was opened by H.E. The President of Malta, Dr George Abela.  For this Assembly opening speeches were made by the Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority, Mr Anthony J. Tabone and by Prof. Davut Dursun, Chairman of the Turkish Broadcasting Authority as President of the MNRA.

Representatives and presidents from nineteen countries of the Mediterranean Basin and officials of two European organizations attended this assembly.

For this assembly, the items of the agenda included the challenges of audiovisual regulation in the Mediterranean Basin especially following the introduction of new broadcasting services; the broadcasting of Reality Shows and their effects on society; and the broadcasting of thematic programmes which include the introduction of product placement during this type of TV programmes.

This assembly was held in Malta as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Broadcasting Authority which makes it the oldest regulator of the Mediterranean.

During this year the Broadcasting Authority held the Vice Presidency of this network and during the closing session of the assembly, through the Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority, Mr. Anthony J. Tabone, Malta was given the Presidency of the Assembly of Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities to promulgate the values, principles and fundamental rights in the regulation of audiovisual broadcasting services.

At the end of the conference two new regulators were accepted to form part of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities – the Independent Media Commission of Kosovo and the Agency for Electronic Media Regulation of Montenegro.

The conference was closed by a Declaration of all the member states of the Mediterranean on Reality TV Shows which promotes dialogue between audiovisual professions and representatives of civil society on safeguarding the fundamental rights of participants as well as the proper monitoring of all participants in such programmes not only during the broadcast of such Reality Shows but also after the end of the broadcasting series.

Mario Axiak
Head Research & Communications
2nd December 2011