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Press Release
9 ta’ Novembru 2020
PR 16/20
L-Awtorità tax-Xandir toffri sponsor għat-30 Edizzjoni tal-Malta Journalism Awards
Waqt ċerimonja qasira li saret fl-uffiċċini tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir dalgħodu, is-Sur Nigel Mifsud Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin, iltaqa’ maċ-Chairman tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir is-Sur Frank V. Farrugia, biex jirċievi sponsor bħala parti mit-30 Edizzjoni tal-Malta Journalism Awards ta’ din is-sena. Dan seħħ wara diskussjonijiet li l-Awtorità tax-Xandir kellha anki b’mod virtwali f’dawn l-aħħar xhur mal-uffiċjali tal-IĠM fejn fost l-oħrajn ġie diskuss il-kontribut u l-appoġġ tal-Awtorità f’dan ir-rigward għal dawn l-aħħar 18-il sena. Iċ-Chairman tal-Awtorità, is-Sur Frank V. Farrugia, saħaq dwar l-importanza tal-ġurnaliżmu u l-isponsor jgħin b’mod tanġibbli biex jintlaħaq dan il-għan, filwaqt li enfasizza l-importanza għal taħriġ kontinwu biex itejjeb il-livell u jintlaħqu standards għoljin u professjonali. Is-Sur Farrugia rrefera għaż-żminijiet li qed ngħixu fihom bħalissa u kemm hu importanti lijiġu rappurtati aħbarijiet fattwali, filwaqt li awgura kull suċċess lill-IĠM fil-ħidma tagħhom kif ukoll għas-serata tal-Premjazzjoni.
Is-Sur Nigel Mifsud, Segretarju Ġenerali tal-IĠM, qal li l-Awtorità kienet ta’ spalla għal dawn l-Awards li ilhom isiru 30 sena u rringrazzja lill-Awtorità li reġgħet uriet l-appoġġ. Is-Sur Mifsud saħaq kemm hu importanti mhux biss li jkun rikonoxxut ix-xogħol tal-ġurnalisti iżda kif kien diġà diskuss mal-Awtorità jeħtieġ l-investiment fil-kwalità tal-ġurnaliżmu f’Malta. Żied li din is-sena kien hemm rappreżentanza mill-Media Houses kollha u rekord ta’ sottomissjonijiet u dan juri r-rieda tal-ġurnalisti. Is-Sur Mifsud qal li għalhekk bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir ikunu jistgħu jiġu żviluppati aspetti edukattivi għall-ġurnalisti biex jibqa’ jitjieb il-livell tal-ġurnaliżmu f’Malta.
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir, Dr Joanna Spiteri qalet li l-Awtorità tagħraf l-impenn u r-rikonoxximent tal-ġurnalisti u dan huwa parti mill-isponsor li l-Awtorità tagħti lill-IĠM iżda ma tridx tieqaf hemm u għalhekk l-Awtorità se tkun qed toffri taħriġ għaliex il-ġurnaliżmu mhux biss importanti f’soċjetà demokratika, imma wkoll importanti li jkun hemm professjonalità mhux biss fir-rigward ta’ kwalità iżda minħabba li l-Awtorità għandha l-obbligu lejn it-telespettatur u trid tara li min ikun qed joffri s-servizz ta’ ġurnaliżmu jrid jipprovdi xogħol tajjeb lil min ikun qed isegwih.
Broadcasting Authority offers a sponsorship for 30th Edition of Malta Journalism Awards
During a short ceremony held at the Broadcasting Authority offices this morning, Mr Nigel Mifsud, Secretary General of the Institute of Maltese Journalists met with the Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority Mr Frank V. Farrugia, to receive a sponsorship as part of this year’s 30th Edition of the Malta Journalism Awards. This came after discussions that the Broadcasting Authority had with IGM even virtually during the past months were among other things both parties discussed the Authority’s contribution and support for these awards for the past 18 years. The Chairman of the Authority Mr Frank V. Farrugia stressed the importance of journalism and the sponsor will tangibly help to achieve this goal while emphasizing the importance for ongoing training to improve the level whilst meet high and professional standards. Mr Farrugia referred to the times we are living in and how important factual news is whilst he wished every success to IGM in their work as well as to the Awards event.
Mr Nigel Mifsud, Secretary General of the Institute of Maltese Journalists said that the Broadcasting Authority was a supporter of these Awards which have been held for 30 years and thanked the Authority for showing its support once again. Mr Mifsud stressed the importance of not only recognising the work of journalists but also to investing in quality of journalism in Malta as had been discussed with the Authority. He added that this year there was a representation from all Media Houses and a record of submissions which showed the willingness of journalists. Mr Mifsud said that with the collaboration of the Broadcasting Authority it will be possible to develop educational aspects for journalists to further improve the level of journalism in Malta.
The Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Authority Dr Joanna Spiteri said that the Authority recognizes the commitment and recognition of journalists and this is part of the sponsorship that the Authority gives to IGM but does not want to stop there and therefore the Authority will be offering training, because journalism is not only important in a democratic society, but also important to have professionalism not only in terms of quality but because the Authority has an obligation towards the viewers therefore who is providing the service of journalism must provide a good job to all viewers.
The event was streamed live and is available online:


