Stqarrija 03/12
L-Awtorita` tax-Xandir tkompli tinkoraġġixxi l-professjonalità tal-ġurnalisti
Waqt ċerimonja qasira li saret fl-uffiċċji tal-Awtorita` tax-Xandir, tħabbar uffiċjalment li l-Awtorita` ser tagħti l-għajnuna tagħha lill-Kunsill tal-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin biex jiġu rikonoxxuti l-isforzi tal-ġurnalisti f’diversi sferi tax-xandir. Għat-22 Edizzjoni tal-Malta Journalism Awards, il-Kunsill tal-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin ħabbar sbatax-il kategorija li erbgħa minnhom huma dwar xandir bir-radju u bit-televiżjoni.
Għall-iffirmar tal-kuntratt fejn l-Awtorità tax-Xandir sponsorjat dawn l-erba’ kategoriji kien hemm preżenti is-Sur Anthony J. Tabone, Chairman Awtorita’ tax-Xandir u s-Sur Pierre Cassar, Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ l-Awtorità tax-Xandir; u s-Sur Joe A. Vella, Segretarju Onorarju IĠM, u s-Sur Roderick Agius, Organizzatur tal-Malta Journalism Awards.
Waqt l-iffirmar is-Sur Tabone qal li din hija t-tmien sena li l-Awtorita` qed tisponsorja dawn il-kategoriji bil-għan li tkompli tħajjar kompetizzjoni fost il-gurnalisti Maltin fuq ir-Radju u t-Televiżjoni u biex jingħata rikonoxximent lill-isforzi li jsiru mill-ġurnalisti fix-xena tax-xandir. “L-Awtorità tqis il-ġurnalist bħala l-fus li fuqu jistrieħu l-kmamar tal-aħbarijiet fl-istazzjonijiet tax-xandir – rwol importanti ferm f’xena ta’ xandir li dejjem qed tinbidel b’teknoloġiji ġodda", qal is-Sur Tabone.
Is-Sur Vella, waqt li rringrazzja lill-Awtorità, saħaq li mingħajr din l-għajnuna, attività bħal din ma tistax tkun organizzata. Is-Segretarju Onorarju tal-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti qal li din l-attività annwali hija ferm mistennija mill-ġurnalisti kollha wara sena ta’ ħidma ntensiva, b’waqtiet minnhom b’sogru personali għall-ġurnalist.
L-erba’ kategoriji li ser ikunu sponsorjati mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir huma:
- L-aħjar Skript għall-Aħbarijiet fuq-it-Televiżjoni
- L-aħjar Skript għal Feature Ġurnalistiku fuq it-Televiżjoni
- L-aħjar Film Ġurnalistiku (ikopri Televizjoni u Internet)
- L-aħjar Programm Ġurnalistiku fuq ir-Radju
Għal din l-edizzjoni qed tiżdied kategorija ġdida: dik ta’ l-Ahjar Skript ghal Feature fuq it-Televizjoni filwaqt li l-kategorija ta’ l-aħjar Film Ġurnalistiku, minn din is-sena qed tinkludi filmati mxandra kemm fuq it-televiżjoni kif ukoll fuq news portals.
Kull rebbieħ f’kull il-kategorija ser jirċievi l-ammont ta’ €350, ċertifikat, kif ukoll trofew tal-Malta Journalism Awards.
Mario Axiak
16 ta' Frar 2012
Kap Riċerka u Komunikazzjoni

Is-Sur Anthony Tabone, Chairman Awtorita’ tax-Xandir u s-Sur Joe A. Vella, Segretarju Onorarju Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin, jiffirmaw il-kuntratt tal-isponsorship.
Fir-ritratt jidhru wkoll is-Sinjuri Pierre Cassar (xellug) u Roderick Agius
The Broadcasting Authority encourages Journalistic Professionalism
At a short presentation at the offices of the Broadcasting Authority it was officially announced that the Authority was going to sponsor the Institute of Maltese Journalists in its efforts to acknowledge journalistic work in the various aspects of broadcasting. For the 22nd Edition of the Malta Journalism Awards, the Council of the Institute of Maltese Journalists has announced seventeen categories, four of which are for journalistic broadcasting on radio and television.
For the presentation of the contract for sponsorship Mr Anthony J Tabone, Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority and Mr Pierre Cassar, Chief Executive of the Authority met with Mr Joe A. Vella, Honorary Secretary of the Institute of Maltese Journalists and Mr Roderick Agius, the organizer of the Malta Journalism Awards on behalf of the Council of the Institute of Maltese Journalists.
During the presentation Mr Tabone said that this is the eight year that the Authority is sponsoring these categories with the aim of encouraging competition amongst local radio and television journalists and to cherish the efforts done by journalists in local broadcasting. Mr Tabone said that “the Authority considers broadcast journalists as the fulcrum on which rests the operations of news rooms of local broadcasting stations – a most important role especially within an ever technological changing scenario”.
Mr Vella, whilst thanking the Authority, retorted that without such support and sponsorship the annual Malta Journalism Awards could never materialize. The Hon. Secretary of the Institute of Maltese Journalists stressed that this annual activity of the Institute is eagerly expected by all journalists especially after an intensive year, sometimes at great personal risks of the journalists themselves.
The four categories being sponsored by the Broadcasting Authority include:
• Best script for TV News
• Best script for a Journalistic Feature on TV
• Best Journalistic Film (including TV and Internet)
• Best Journalistic Programme on Radio
For this 22nd Edition of the Malta Journalism Awards a new category is added: that of the Best script for a Journalistic Feature on TV; while this year the category for the best Journalistic Film also includes films broadcast not only on television but also on news portals.
Each winner in each category will receive the sum of €350, a certificate, as well as a Trophy of the Malta Journalism Awards.
Mario Axiak Head,
16th February, 2012
Research & Communications