Stqarrija għall-istampa
7 t’Awwissu 2018
Memorandum ta' Ftehim bejn L-Awtorità tax-Xandir u dik ta’ Ċipru
L-Awtorità tax-Xandir ta’ Malta u s-Cyprus Radio Television Authority, iffirmaw Memorandum ta’ Ftehim ġdid bil-għan li tkompli titjieb il-kooperazzjoni bejniethom.
Fil-laqgħa, li saret f’Malta f’Lulju, ġew diskussi temi ewlenin li ż-żewġ Awtoritajiet jixtiequ li jaħdmu fuqhom minħabba x-xebħ li hemm bejn iż-żewġ pajjiżi.
Dr Rona Petri Kassapi, u Neophytos Epaminondas, President u Direttur rispettivament tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir Ċiprijotta, iltaqgħu maċ-Chairperson is-Sur Martin Micallef, il-Kap Eżekuttiv, Dr Joanna Spiteri, is-Segretarju tal-Bord tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir, Dr Simon Manicolo u l-Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Monitoraġġ, is-Sur Randolph Micallef.
Waqt din il-laqgħa ġew diskussi diversi aspetti regolatorji li ż-żewġ Awtoritajiet iħabbtu wiċċhom magħhom. Fosthom ir-reklamar indirizzat lill-minuri, ir-regolamentazzjoni dwar reklamar ta’ xorb alkoħoliku u l-logħob tal-ażżard. Dwar dawn it-temi l-Awtorità tax-Xandir Maltija ser tkun qed tassisti lil dik Ċiprijotta biex taġġorna u tifformola leġiżlazzjoni għax-xandir f’Ċipru.
Ġew diskussi wkoll l-isfidi li Awtoritajiet regolatorji żgħar jiltaqgħu magħhom fi prattiċi ta’ proċeduri ta’ diliġenza u proċeduri oħra ta’ nfurzar, speċjalment il-liċenzjar ta’ stazzjonijiet tat-televiżjoni u applikazzjonijiet għal xandir bis-satellita. Intlaħaq qbil li l-Awtorità ta’ Ċipru tgħin lill-Awtorità tax-Xandir fit-tfassil ta’ dawn il-proċeduri ta’ diliġenza.
Din il-kooperazzjoni qed tiġi msaħħa wkoll fid-dawl tat-traspożizzjoni u l-implimentazzjoni tad-Direttiva l-ġdida tal-Unjoni Ewropea dwar it-tħaddim tal-industrija tal-awdjoviżiv li ser tkun qed titwettaq f’qasir żmien.
Id-Direttiva l-ġdida se tkun ukoll opportunità biex l-Awtorità tax-Xandir tiftaħ eżerċizzju ta’ riflessjoni u konsultazzjoni wiesgħa biex jiġu aġġornati l-Att dwar ix-Xandir u l-Leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Dan il-proċess għandu jwassal għal konsolidament tal-liġi f’dokument li jirrifletti aħjar is-soċjetà tal-lum u l-ħtiġijiet tal-operaturi fis-settur mingħajr ma jiġu ssagrifikati valuri, prinċipji u prattiċi, li minkejja ż-żmien, jibqgħu s-sisien ta’ soċjetà matura u evoluta.
(xellug għal-lemin) Dr. Rona Petri Kassapi, President; is-Sur Neophytos Epaminondas Direttur ta’ Cyprus Radio Television Authority; Dr Simon Manicolo (ċentru), Segretarju tal-Bord; Dr Joanna Spiteri, Kap Eżekuttiv; u s-Sur Randolph Micallef (lemin), Kap tal-Moniteraġġ ta’ l-Awtorità tax-Xandir.
(left to right) Dr. Rona Petri Kassapi, President; Mr Neophytos Epaminondas, Director of the Cyprus Radio Television Authority; Dr Simon Manicolo (centre), Secretary of the Board; Dr Joanna Spiteri, Chief Executive; and Mr. Randolph Micallef, Head of Monitoring of the Broadcasting Authority.
Press Release
7 th August 2018
Memorandum of Understand between the Broadcasting Authority Malta
and Cyprus Radio Television Authority
A delegation from the Cyprus Radio Television Authority met the Chairman and other officials of the Broadcasting Authority Malta to sign a new Memorandum of Understanding enhancing cooperation between the two entities.
At this meeting, held at the offices of the Broadcasting Authority last month, the Authorities discussed key issues that they can collaborate on owing to similarities between the two countries.
Dr. Rona Petri Kassapi and Mr Neophytos Epaminondas, the President and the Director of the Cyprus Broadcasting Authority respectively, met with the Chairman, Mr Martin Micallef, Chief Executive, Dr Joanna Spiteri, Secretary of the Board of the Broadcasting Authority, Dr Simon Manicolo and the Head of Monitoring, Mr. Randolph Micallef.
A number of regulations that the two authorities are concerned with were discussed. Amongst these are the advertising to minors, regulations on alcoholic beverages, and gambling advertising. The Broadcasting Authority Malta will be assisting the Cypriot regulatory authority on these issues.
Other issues which small regulatory authorities are concerned, about involve due diligence and enforcement procedures, particularly when licensing television stations and processing applications for satellite television licences. The Cyprus Radio Television Authority will be assisting the Malta Broadcasting Authority on these topics.
It was also agreed that the two Authorities will be assisting each other in other areas especially in the implementation of the new broadcasting Directive of the European Union in the near future.
The new Directive will also provide the Broadcasting Authority with an opportunity for reflection and consultation to update the Broadcasting Act and subsidiary legislation. This process should lead to the consolidation of broadcasting legislation to better reflect today's society and the needs of operators in the industry without sacrificing values, principles and practices. Despite the passing of time, these remain the foundation of a mature and evolved society.