Broadcasting Authority sponsors the 20th Edition of the Malta Journalism Awards
Since 2005, the Broadcasting Authority has been sponsoring three of the fourteen categories of the Malta Journalism Awards organized by the Institute of Maltese Journalists.
This year’s Awards Ceremony was held on Saturday, 8th May 2010 and the Broadcasting Authority has sponsored the winner of each of the following three categories for which there were three nominees each:
- Broadcast Journalism - TV Script: [1.] It-Tim ta’ Biografiji (PBS); [2.] CVC Communications (PBS); [3.] Mario Micallef (PBS);
- Broadcast Journalism - TV Film: [1.] CVC Communications (PBS); [2.] It-Tim ta’ Biografiji (PBS); [3.] Brandon Pisani (Favourite Channel);
- Broadcast Journalism – Radio: [1.] Carmel Bonello ( RTK ); [2.] Keith Demicoli (Radju Malta); [3.] Cynthia Zerafa ( RTK ).
The winner of each category was presented with a trophy by the Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Authority, Mr Pierre Cassar. Recognizing the effect that journalism has on local media consumers, the Broadcasting Authority is always trying to improve quality, balance, and journalistic values.
In the past, the Authority sought to promote standards of excellence in broadcasting through its own Programme Awards. The discontinuation of this contest did not deter the Broadcasting Authority from looking for alternative ways to foster proper journalistic practices. The Authority congratulates both the winners of each category and all other finalists who have striven to improve the quality of local journalistic broadcasting.
Mario Axiak
Head Research & Communications
George Scicluna of Citadel Communication being presented with the Trophy for the
winning category TV Film