Stqarrija għall-Istampa 07/18
Media Release 07/18
Seminar għax-Xandara
Seminar for Broadcasters
L-Awtorità tax-Xandir organizzat seminar ta’ taħriġ għax-xandara u uffiċjali oħra tal-istazzjonijiet privati tat-televiżjoni liċenzjati minnha biex ixandru f’Malta. Seminar separat bl-istess kontenut sar b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Public Broadcasting Services. B’kollox attendew madwar 150 ruħ li b’xi mod, bħala producers ta’ programmi, preżentaturi, uffiċjali fid-dipartiment tal-kwalità u tar-reklami, huma mpenjati fit-televiżjoni lokali.
Is-seminar, immexxi mill-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir Dr Joanna Spiteri flimkien mal-Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Monitoraġġ, is-Sur Randolph Micallef, iffoka fuq l-aktar partijiet ewlenin tal-leġiżlazzjoni li tirregola x-xandir f’Malta. Dawn kienu l-ħarsien tal-minuri, il-kunċetti ta’ vulnerabbiltà, kompetizzjonijiet u messaġġi bl-sms, reklamar ta’ xorb alkoħoliku u logħob tal-azzard. Parti oħra mis-seminar ġiet iddedikata għar-regoli tar-reklamar u tal-isponsorships.
Minn sena għal oħra jiġi osservat mill-Awtorità li jkun hemm nuqqasijiet fl-osservanza tar-regoli kemm minħabba nuqqas ta’ għarfien, minħabba inċertezzi fl-interpretazzjoni kif ukoll, sfortunatament, b’għażla konxja li jsir ksur.
L-għan ewlieni ta’ dawn il-laqgħat max-xandara huwa li jonqsu l-possibiltajiet li jkun hemm irregolaritajiet u wisq aktar biex f’aspetti iktar sensittivi bħat-trattament ta’ minuri u persuni vulnerabbli, u promozzjoni ta’ xorb alkoħoliku u ta’ logħob tal-azzard fost oħrajn, kulħadd ikun konxju tar-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu.
L-Awtorità qed tħejji seminar ieħor għall-producers u l-preżentaturi tal-istazzjonijiet tar-radju. L-istess bħas-seminars ta’ qablu, dan is-seminar se jkun jitratta tagħrif dwar regoli u leġiżlazzjoni marbuta max-xandir tar-radju.
The Broadcasting Authority has organized a training seminar for broadcasters and other officials of private television stations licensed to broadcast in Malta. A separate seminar with the same content was also held in collaboration with Public Broadcasting Services. Altogether about 150 people attended, all somehow engaged in local television as programme producers, presenters, and officials in the Department of quality and advertising.
The seminar, led by the Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Authority, Dr. Joanna Spiteri together with the Head of the Monitoring Department, Mr. Randolph Micallef, focused on the most important parts of broadcasting legislation. These were mainly the protection of minors, the concepts of vulnerability, competitions and sms messages, advertising of alcoholic drinks and gambling. Another part of the seminar was devoted to advertising and sponsorship rules.
From year to year, breaches in compliance are observed by the Broadcasting Authority , either for lack of knowledge, uncertainties in the interpretation and, unfortunately, owing to a conscious choice of infringement
The main purpose of these seminars with broadcasters is to reduce the possibilities of irregularities, and especially so that regardingthe most sensitive aspects such as the treatment of minors and vulnerable people, the promotion of alcoholic beverages and of gambling amongst others, everyone would be aware of their responsibilities.
Following these two seminars, the Authority is planning another seminar for producers and presenters of radio stations. Similarly, this seminar will be treating regulations and legislation related to radio broadcasting.
Mario Axiak
Head Research & Communications
20th September 2018

Dr Joanna Spiteri (left), Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Authority and Mr Randolph Micallef (right), Head of the Monitoring Department addressing producers and broadcasters of Public Broadcasting Services Ltd. – 23rd July 2018.

Training seminar for broadcasters and other officials of private television stations licensed to broadcast in Malta – Old University Building, Valletta – 18th September 2018.