Release: Immediate Release
Date: 19 October 2020
PR 14/20
Stqarrija għall-Istampa
Media Release
Żjara kordjali mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir lill-Arċisqof ta’ Malta Mons. Charles Jude Scicluna
Fl-okkażjoni tad-59 anniversarju mit-twaqqif tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir, iċ-Chairman tal-Awtorità, is-Sur Frank V. Farrugia flimkien mal-Kap Eżekuttiv, Dr Joanna Spiteri u l-Membri tal-Bord iltaqgħu mal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna, waqt laqgħa kordjali li saret fil-15 ta’ Ottubru 2020, fil-Kurja l-Furjana.
Matul il-laqgħa tkellmu dwar il-qagħda tal-istazzjonijiet u tax-xandir, kif ukoll dwar ir-rwol tar-regolatur f’soċjetà fejn il-midja dejjem qed tiżviluppa. Kien enfasizzat li l-Awtorità tax-Xandir qegħda hemm għall-ħarsien tal-interess pubbliku, tal-konsumaturi tal-midja u għall-protezzjoni tal-minuri u l-vulnerabbli. Għaldaqstant minkejja li tirregola għandha responsabbiltà li tara li l-midja qed tagħti servizz u programmi ta’ kwalità, dan minkejja l-kritika li jkollha li mhijiex qed timxi maż-żminijiet.
L-Arċisqof tkellem ukoll dwar il-ħtieġa ta’ kwalità aħjar fix-xandir lokali, b’mod ġenerali kif ukoll dwar id-diffikultatijiet li ġabet magħha l-pandemija għall-midja minħabba li naqas ir-reklamar li fuqu jiddependu l-organizzazzjonijiet tal-media. Minkejja s-sitwazzjoni preżenti, il-Knisja baqgħet tagħti s-servizz ta’ quddiesa kuljum u għal dan l-Arċisqof irringrazzja b’mod partikolari s-servizz ta’ xandir pubbliku għall-koperazzjoni li sab biex il-Quddiesa tasal fid-djar u b’hekk il-Knisja tkompli tkun ta’ servizz u ta’ sostenn għan-nies.
Cordial visit by the Broadcasting Authority to The Archbishop of Malta Mons. Charles Jude Scicluna
On the occasion of the 59th anniversary since the setting up of the Broadcasting Authority, the Chairman of the Authority, Mr Frank V. Farrugia together with the Chief Executive, Dr Joanna Spiteri and Board Members met the Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna during a cordial meeting held on 15th October 2020, at the Curia in Floriana.
During the meeting they talked about the situation of the stations and broadcasting and about the role of the regulator in a society where the media is constantly developing. It was emphasized that the Broadcasting Authority is there to protect the public interest, media consumers and the protection of minors and the vulnerable. Therefore, despite regulating the media, the Authority has a responsibility to see that the media is providing good quality programming notwithstanding the criticism it receives that it not moving with the times.
The Archbishop also spoke about the need for better quality in local broadcasting, in general as well as about the difficulties brought about by the pandemic for the media since advertising on which media organisations depend has decreased. Despite the current situation, the Church continued to provide daily mass service and for this the Archbishop thanked in particular the public service broadcasting for the cooperation and support he found so that Mass reaches the homes and thus the Church continues to be of service and support to the people.

Photo courtesy of Archbishop’s Curia