Click here for S.L. 350.22 - Requirementa as to Standards and Practice applicable to the Conduct of Competitions and the Award of Prizes
Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.22 - Ħtiġiet Dwar Stadards u Prattika Dwar It-Tmexxija Ta' Kompetizzjonijiet u L-Għoti Ta' Premijiet Fil-Mezzi Tax-Xandir
Principle: Competitions should be conducted fairly well and in accordance with known rules. Participants must know the rules of the competition and the nature of prizes to be awarded. The broadcaster is directly responsible for the competition as well as awards to the winners.
Prinċipju: Kompetizzjonijiet għandhom jitmexxew bil-ħaqq u skont ir-regoli magħrufa. Il-parteċipanti jridu jkunu jafu sewwa r-regoli tal-kompetizzjoni kif ukoll ix-xorta ta’ premijiet li ser jingħataw. Ix-Xandar hu direttament responsabbli għall-kompetizzjoni kif ukoll għall-għoti tal-premijiet lir-rebbieħa.
Types of competitions:
- Televoting
- Phone-ins
- Programme Participation as member of the studio audience
- By writing (including e-mail or fax).
Tipi ta’ kompetizzjonijiet:
- 'Televiting";
- Telefonati;
- Parteċipazzjoni fil-programm;
- Bil-kitba, e-mail, fax eċċ.
Cost of telephone call and SMS: When the price is higher than the normal published tariff the price shall always be broadcast. If part of the cost of the call/sms is being donated to a cause from which no gains will be made, this part must also be specified.
Prezz tat-telefonata u ta’ SMS: Meta l-prezz ikun ogħla mit-tariffa normali pubblikata dan għandu dejjem jixxandar. Jekk xi parti mill-ħlas tat-telefonata/sms sejra lejn xi kawża li minnha mhux ser isir qligħ din il-parti trid tkun ukoll speċifikata.
Competition prizes: Prizes should be given up to one month of the announcement of the winner of the competition. The winner has to be announced in the first program after the competition closes OR during the last program if the competition closes at the end of the series.
Premju tal-kompetizzjoni: Dan għandu jingħata sa xahar mit-tħabbir tar-rebbieħ/a tal-kompetizzjoni. Ir-rebbieħ/a trid j/titħabbar fl-ewwel programm ta’ wara li tkun għalqet il-kompetizzjoni JEW waqt l-aħħar programm jekk il-kompetizzjoni tagħlaq fl-aħħar tas-sensiela.
If the competition refers to a product or service:
- On Television: This should be regarded as advertising and the words "Promotional Message" should appear on the screen.
- On Radio: The broadcaster shall announce the competition with the words:"Issa ngħaddu għall- kompetizzjoni li hi parti minn messaġġ promozzjonali"
In case the prize involves payment of Tax: It has to be specified that taxes due have to be paid.
Jekk fil-kompetizzjoni hemm referenza għal xi prodott jew servizz:
- Fuq it-Televiżjoni: Din għandha titqies bħala reklamar u l-kliem “Messaġġ Promozzjonali” għandu jidher fuq l-iskrin.
- Fuq ir-Radju: Ix-xandar għandu jħabbar il-kompetizzjoni bil-kliem: “Issa ngħaddu għall- kompetizzjoni li hi parti minn messaġġ promozzjonali”.
F’kull każ li l-premju jinvolvi ħlas ta’Taxxa: Għandu jiġi ndikat li jridu jitħallsu t-taxxi dovuti.
References to the Prize: A short factual and/or visual reference no longer than 7 seconds may be made but no promotional description of the prize should be made.
Referenzi dwar il-Premju: Tista’ ssir referenza qasira fattwali u/jew viżiva ta’ mhux aktar minn 7 sekondi imma m’għandhomx jingħataw deskrizzjonijiet li jirreklamaw il-premju.
Award of vouchers as prizes: The winner is entitled to the full value of that voucher without the need of incurring any extra expense to be able to use it, and if the voucher has to be exchanged to goods or services these shall be equivalent to the total value of the voucher.
Vawċer bi Premju: Ir-rebbieħ huwa ntitolat għall-valur sħiħ bla ebda ħtieġa li jkollu jħallas fluz żejda biex jagħmel użu minnha u jekk il-vawċer jinbidel fi prodotti u/jew servizzi dawn iridu jkunu jiswew daqs il-valur totali tal-vawċer.
Competition Rules: These must not be long and complicated and should include:
- Closing date/s - except where there are instant prize-winners during the programme itself;
- Terms, conditions and restrictions on eligibility;
- Clear and adequate description of the prize;
- How and when the winners will be informed.
Regoli tal-Kompetizzjoni: M’għandhomx ikunu twal u komplikati u għandhom jinkludu:
- Data/i meta tagħlaq - ħlief għal dawk fejn ir-rebbieħa jitħabbru waqt il-programm stess;
- Termini, kundizzjonijiet u restrizzjonijiet dwar l-eġibilità;
- Deskrizzjoni adegwata u ċara tal-premijiet;
- Kif u meta r-rebbieħa għandhom ikunu nfurmati.
Eligibility: The following are prohibited from participation in any competition:
- Persons employed by all broadcasters and advertising agents;
- Employees of the competition's sponsors;
- Those who are directly involved in the production or presentation of the programme in which the competition is carried;
- Those who are closely related to employees who work in broadcasting.
Eliġibiltà: Dawn li ġejjin ma għandhomx jitħallew jieħdu sehem f’xi kompetizzjoni:
- Impjegati tax-xandir, u ta’ aġenziji tar-reklamar;
- Impjegati ta’ sponsors tal-kompetizzjoni;
- Dawk involuti direttament fil-produzzjoni jew preżentazzjoni tal-programm li fih tixxandar il- kompetizzjoni;
- Dawk li huma qraba tax-xandara jew persuni li jaħdmu fix-xandir.
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