29th January 2021
PR 01/21
Audience Survey December 2020
The Broadcasting Authority has just issued the audience assessment survey carried out in December 2020. The data for this assessment was collected between 14th and 20th December 2020 as Covid-19 pandemic persists. This survey included changes in terms of collection of data, research methodology, data analysis and presentation of findings. Because of the changes which were envisaged through PR 18/20, in December 2020, this survey does not make comparisons to previous audience assessment surveys. M. FSADNI & Associates were selected to conduct the research, however the selected research methodology and analysis were determined in collaboration with the Broadcasting Authority. The research findings cover TV viewership, Radio listenership, Online viewership and preferred source for local news.
Approximately 179 daily interviews were conducted over 7 consecutive days totalling a sample of 1,248 respondents aged 12 years and over from Malta’s six geographical regions (NSO, 2020). The 1248-count audience survey sample produced statistically significant findings at a +/-2.77 confidence interval (margin of error) at a 95% confidence level. Overall findings show that 93% (426,205) of Maltese residents are TV viewers, 63% (291,479) are radio listeners whereas 10% (45,153) watch local programmes online.
TV Viewership, Radio Listenership & Online Viewership – An Overview
- 93% of Maltese residents (1161 respondents) are TV Viewers. Of these, 11% (142 respondents) watch foreign TV stations only. The remaining 7% (87 respondents) do not watch TV.
- 63% of Maltese residents (794 respondents) are radio listeners, with 1% (17 respondents) listening to foreign radio stations only. 36% of Maltese residents (454 respondents) do not listen to radio.
- 90% of Maltese residents (1124 respondents) do not watch any local programmes online, while 10% (123 respondents) watch local programmes online.
Television Viewership
Amongst all TV viewers, the 20:00 – 20:30 timeband, is the most watched TV timeband across all days of the week (n=1161).
- Amongst the 1019 respondents who watch local TV, the news bulletin is the most preferred genre of local TV programmes (71% of local TV viewers), followed by drama (42% of local TV viewers) and discussions & current affairs (35% of local TV viewers).
- 28% (286 respondents) of local TV viewers do not have a favourite programme on Maltese TV.
- 94% (1085 respondents) of all TV viewers use paid subscription as one of the TV reception services for watching TV. Furthermore, 10% (119 respondents) of all TV viewers use Android Box and 9% (109 respondents) use IPTV. 2% (18 respondents) of all TV viewers use free-to-air, with 0.9% (10 respondents) indicating that they only use free-to-air service for watching TV.
Favourite Local TV Programme
TV Viewers who indicated that they do not watch any local TV stations were not asked this question. Hence the total number of TV viewers’ responses for this question totals 1019.
- The news bulletin (irrespective of TV station) is the favourite local TV programme of 12% (125 respondents) of all 1019 local TV viewers.
- Following, Division 7 is the favourite local TV programme of 8% (86 respondents) of all local TV viewers.
- 5% (49 respondents) of local TV viewers mentioned Malta’s Got Talent as their most favourite local programme.
- L-Erbgħa fost il-Ġimgħa and L-Ispettur Bonniċi are the favourite local TV programmes of 4% (44 respondents) of TV viewers’ respectively.
Most Followed TV Stations: Monday to Sunday
All 1161 TV Viewers were given the possibility of mentioning up to three TV stations which they watched on the previous day. Out of a total of 1161 TV viewers, 238 viewers indicated that they did not watch any television on the previous day. Of the remaining 923 viewers, 899 viewers mentioned a first TV station, 484 viewers mentioned a second TV station and another 160 mentioned a third TV station.
- TVM is the most watched TV station, with almost half of all 1161 TV viewers (48% - 559 respondents) mentioning TVM as one of the three TV stations which they watched on the previous day.
- Foreign stations are the second most followed, with 38% (444 respondents) having watched a foreign TV station on the previous day.
- ONE is the third most followed TV station, with 24% (276 respondents) mentioning ONE as one of the TV stations which they watched on the previous day.
- NET TV is the fourth most followed TV station, with 12% (142 respondents) having watched this station on the previous day.
Figure 1 illustrates the most followed TV stations during Week 14th December – 20th December. ‘Did not watch any TV on the previous day’ refers to TV viewers who did not watch TV on the previous day of assessment during that particular week. Furthermore, respondents were given the possibility of mentioning up to 3 TV Stations which they had watched on the previous day. Hence, the percentages depicted in this figure do NOT total up to 100%.
Figure 1 – Most followed TV stations (Monday to Sunday)
TV stations not featured in the Figure above have a TV viewership of less than 0.1% between Monday to Sunday.
Favourite Genre for local TV programmes
TV Viewers who indicated that they do not watch any local TV stations were not asked this question. Hence the total number of TV viewers’ responses for this question totals 1019.
- The news bulletin is the most favourite genre for local TV programmes, with 71% (720 respondents) indicating this as one of their favourite genres. This genre was mentioned as one of the favourite genres by more than 2 in 3 of TV viewers aged 31+ years.
- Drama is the second most favourite genre, with 42% (424 respondents) indicating this as one of their favourite genres for local TV programmes. This genre is more popular amongst female TV viewers (53%) as opposed to male TV viewers (31%).
- Discussions and current affairs is the third most favourite genre for local TV programmes, with 35% (359 respondents) indicating this as one of their preferred genres. This genre is mostly popular amongst TV viewers aged 31+ years.
- Variety is the fourth most favourite genre, with 15% (154 respondents) mentioning this as one of their favourite genres for local TV programmes. This genre was mostly mentioned by TV viewers aged 12-20 years, with 1 in 4 (25% - 21 respondents) indicating this.
Radio Listenership
96% (763 respondents) of all radio listeners use the radio set for listening to radio programmes. The radio set is the most used radio reception service for listening to radio, with almost all radio listeners using this as a radio reception service. 5% (36 respondents) of all radio listeners make use of DAB+.
Favourite local radio programme
Radio listeners who indicated that they do not listen to any local radio stations were not asked this question. Hence the total number of radio listeners’ responses for this question totals 777.
- 1 in 3 (33% - 259 respondents) of all 777 local radio listeners do not have a preferred local radio programme. Radio listeners aged 41+ years are the most radio listeners who do not have a preferred programme.
- Bay Breakfast with Daniel & Ylenia is the most favourite local radio programme, with 20% (158 respondents) mentioning it as their preferred local radio programme.
- Bonġu Calypso is the second most favourite local radio programme, with 8% (62 respondents) mentioning it as their preferred local radio programme.
The Morning Vibe with Abel, JD & Martina is the third most favourite local radio programme. 8% (61 respondents) mentioned this programme as their favourite programme.
Most Followed Radio Stations: Monday to Sunday
All 794 radio listeners were given the possibility of mentioning up to three radio stations they had listened to on the previous day. Out of a total of 794 radio listeners, 119 listeners indicated that they did not listen to any radio on the previous day. Of the remaining 675 radio listeners, 641 listeners mentioned a first radio station, 117 listeners mentioned a second radio station and another 14 mentioned a third radio station.
- Bay is the most followed radio station, 22% (172 respondents) of all 794 radio listeners mentioning it as one of the three radio stations which they had listened to on the previous day. Bay is mostly popular with the younger cohorts, with most of its listeners being radio listeners aged 12 – 30 years.
- ONE Radio is the second most followed radio station with an audience of 15% (122 respondents). ONE radio was mentioned by more than 1 in 4 radio listeners aged 61+ years, as one of the radio stations which they had listened to on the previous day.
- Vibe is the third most followed radio station, with 12% (93 respondents) having listened to this radio station on the previous day.
- Calypso 101.8 is the fourth most followed station, with 11% (88 respondents) of radio listeners mentioning this radio station as one of the stations to which they had listened on the previous day.
Figure 2 illustrates the most followed Radio stations during Week 14th December – 20th December. ‘Did not listen to the radio on the previous day’ refers to radio listeners who did not listen to the radio on the previous day of assessment during that particular week. Furthermore, respondents were given the possibility of mentioning up to 3 Radio Stations which they had listened to on the previous day. Hence, the percentages depicted in this figure do NOT total up to 100%.
Figure 2 – Most followed Radio stations (Aggregate)

Local Stations listened to on DAB+
Radio listeners who indicated that they do not use DAB+ to listen to radio stations were not asked this question. Hence the total number of radio listeners’ responses for this question totals 36.
- The most listened to local radio station on DAB+ is Bay, with 28% (10 respondents) of all 36 respondents, who use DAB+, mentioning this station as one of the radio stations to which they listen on DAB+.
- Following, Vibe is the second most followed local radio station on DAB+ (19% - 7 respondents), while Radju Malta 1 is the third most followed local radio station on DAB+ (14% - 5 respondents).
Online Viewership
The term ‘online Maltese programmes’ refers to Maltese programmes produced solely for online portals, and which cannot be watched on traditional TV.
- 90% (1124 respondents) of all 1248 individuals, do not watch any Maltese programmes that are solely produced for online portals. More than 90% of individuals aged 41+ years indicated this.
- The remaining 10% (123 respondents) watch Maltese programmes online, with the majority of these being individuals aged 12 – 40 years.
Figure 3 illustrates the percentage findings of online viewers and non-viewers.
Figure 3 – Online viewers/non viewers

Online portal/s or platform used for watching Maltese Programmes online
- Facebook is the most used online platform by all online viewers for watching Maltese programmes online 60% (74 respondents).
- 42% (51 respondents) use as one of the online portals for watching Maltese programmes online.
- A further 11% (13 respondents) use as an online portal for watching Maltese programmes online.
- Mobile is the most used device by all online viewers for watching their preferred programme online 70% (86 respondents), while 17% (21 respondents) of all online viewers mostly use the laptop.
Figure 4 illustrates the online portal/s or platform/s used for watching Maltese programmes online. Online viewers were asked to mention all the online portal/s or platforms used by them for watching Maltese programmes online. Hence, the percentages depicted in this figure do NOT total up to 100%.
Figure 4 Online portal/s or platform/s used for watching Maltese programmes online

Online portals/platforms not featured in the Table above have a usership of less than 0.8% for watching Maltese programmes online
Most preferred programme online
Online Viewership findings below exclude non-online viewers.
- 24% (29 respondents) of all 123 online viewers do not have a preferred local online programme, while another 11% (13 respondents) have more than one preferred programme.
- Kaxxaturi is the most preferred programme of 11% (13 respondents) of online viewers, with all online viewers who mentioned this programme being aged 12 – 40 years.
- Following, Xarabank is the favourite programme of 9% (11 respondents) of online viewers.
- The Lovin Malta is the favourite programme of 7% (8 respondents) of online viewers.
Preferred Source for Local News
- Television is the preferred source for local news of almost half of the 1248 individuals (48% - 604 respondents). This source is mostly popular amongst individuals aged 41+ years.
- Following, online news portals are the preferred source of a quarter of the 1248 individuals (27% - 338 respondents), with this being the most preferred source amongst the younger cohorts (12 – 40 years).
- 2% (20 respondents) of all 1248 individuals do not follow local news.
Figure 5 illustrates percentage findings of the preferred source for obtaining local news
Figure 5– Preferred Source for Local News
Preferred source to obtain local news
Local News findings below exclude non-local news followers.
- Of the 604 respondents who prefer TV for following local news, 56% prefer TVM, 21% prefer ONE and 12% prefer NET TV for watching local news.
- Amongst the 338 respondents who prefer online news portals for following local news, Times of Malta (56%) and (9%) are the most preferred online news portals.
- Facebook is the third most preferred source for obtaining local news and was mentioned by 16% (202 respondents). As a source for obtaining local news, Facebook is mostly popular with individuals aged 12 – 40 years.
- Following, radio was mentioned by 4% (52 respondents) as the preferred source for obtaining local news, and it was mostly mentioned by individuals aged 61+ years. Of the 52 respondents who prefer radio for following local news, 23% prefer ONE, 17% prefer Radju Malta and 12% prefer NET FM and Calypso 101.8 respectively.
The full version of the results of the survey can be downloaded from the Authority’s website: under ‘Latest Reports’.